After a really
cold spell for the last couple of days and a clear night, everything seemed frozen.
The city below covers itself with a blanket of smoke.
Like I was covered and camouflaged
for a big portion of my life. In the last Body-De-Armouring session with Natasha I discovered
myself being frozen from a childhood abuse and learned to move and become unfrozen
in an amazing experience. Today I see the forest is unfreezing on this spring
morning. The tree, I took a picture of in midwinter, is now surrounded by
flowering bushes.
The fern is uncurling to welcome the new life.
At my favorite
spot at the Newlands stream I could not resist and took a bath in the ice cold water.
I was feeling the freezing of the water rushing past for a minute or so. When I got up into the
warm air my blood was rushing to the skin. I felt unfrozen again. New life was returning
into my body and into my being.
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