Sunday, August 19, 2012


Spot the bird. 
One cannot see the bird in this picture. He is so well camouflaged. That is nature’s way of protection. Only when the bird moves and only when one looks in his direction in that moment he becomes visible. Throughout this week my topics have been: Dressing up, performing as on stage and otherwise and the liberation of being bound and not allowed to perform.

This morning it dawns on me that a lot of this behavior and desires is my camouflage. Some of it put on a long time ago, like old dry twigs covering a secret rock.

As a human being I don’t have a natural camouflage like the bird. However when I needed protection, camouflage has grown on me like leaves on a stone pretending to be a bush. It is hiding my true self to not get hurt.
Humans are not birds and I ask myself: Is the camouflage still needed?

A little further on the path I see this old broken hollow trunk. Out of it new life is growing up towards the light unrestricted by the old but growing on it. Giving a glimpse of the future.

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